Assignment Day 3: Your Story~Part 2

***Write a Six Word Memoir**  is our assignment for this week from Kim Klassen‘s Beyond Layer’s class.

Six Word Memoirs have become popular through SMITH magazine (  

The online magazine is full of amazing, creative six-word writing endeavors.  Do check it out!

info: Nikon D300, lens: 18-135 mm, 1/50 sec, ISO 200, f/3.5

info: Nikon D300, lens: 18-135 mm, 1/50 sec, ISO 200, f/3.5

The texture in the above photo is created by Kim Klassen, called “minus43”; I used  Soft Light at a 51% opacity level.


Here are some of my six-word memoirs or stories….

Joyfully running through life chasing dreams.

Capturing life’s moments through the lens.

Smiles catch sunbeams and spread joy~

Caring for people regardless of circumstances.

Boots, pumps, ballet~I love shooz!

Try some of your own….once you start, it’s hard to stop! 😉

Thanks for visiting!

Thanks to Kim Klassen for her awesome teaching!

Thanks to SMITH magazine for the Six Word Memoir idea.
